Calvert; 22 Red Kites seen low together at 7:25 on approach road/ BLACK-NECKED GREBE still by large reedbed on sailing lake/ 1 Bittern seen in flight on BBOWT.
Hillesden; 17 Mute Swans but Whooper not been seen for a while now/ smattering of Pochard, Teal, Gadwall and Shoveler.
Gallows Bridge Farm; 4 EURASIAN WHITE-FRONTED GEESE, (family party of two adults and two young) present on main meadow and present for second day (per Mick A'Court)
Also 2 RUFF on narrow flood at very far end. c 600 Lapwing, c20 European Golden Plover, a few Common Snipe and 'many' Teal, Wigeon, Mallard, 1 Mute Swan and c 100 Fieldfare.
All of these birds were in, over or around the flooded area and rough grass field at extreme distance from hides so difficult to view/count accurately. They were all disturbed 3 times by a large female PEREGRINE (Tim Watts)