Since the discovery of a BITTERN at Walton Balancing Lake, I've been meaning to head down after work as it's only about 2 minutes away. However, since then I've had to work overtime for every daylight hour - it's a busy time!
Finally today I got off work at 4 and was in two minds whether to go or not. I decided I still had 45 minutes of daylight or so (Spring is finally on the way) so I headed down. I stood for about 10 minutes watching the Magpies come in to roost - about 45 or more - and small brown birds drop into the reedbed. Just then a noise made me look out over the reeds and there was the a large brown bird rather clumsily rising from the reeds. My bins on quickdraw around my neck I got a view for about 2 or 3 seconds - unmistakably a BITTERN!
So my first [brief] encounter with a bittern and what a fantastic feeling! (Mac)