The light was superb today, which made up for the bitterly cold, strong NW winds! As I stepped out of the car in the car park, one of the juvenile HEN HARRIERS was quartering the field overlooked by the hides. It came up fairly close and then flew over the path leading to the hides, and into the opposite field. I think it then circled back round and proceeded to sit in what I presume was a sheltered, sunny position, in the furthest north corner of the hide field, for the next hour (see images above)
Next up was a male Peregrine, which sat in the middle of the hide field for a good 15 minutes doing nothing very much. It then flew to the fence running along the southwest edge of the hide field. The second HEN HARRIER was active along the opposite hedge line, giving great views from the 2nd hide along. It would fly very slowly and gently before going up, over the hedge and dropping down out of sight into the field beyond. Just the one showing of a Red Kite in the 2 hours I was there, although I'd seen 5 along the A41 between there and Aylesbury.
A flock of at least 12 Fieldfare came through. A Common Kestrel sat in a tree as I walked to the hide. There were also Skylarks and Goldfinches, and obviously 100s of Golden Plover and Lapwings. The latter two species would frequently be spooked up into large swirling flocks seen beyond the hedge line (Lucy Flower Birding & Photography).