Another glorious day with temperatures climbing back up into the high 70's fahrenheit; long clear periods with long spells of sunshine.
Some nice local breeding successes, sadly just outside the Amersham Recording Area. Very pleased to confirm local breeding of COMMON SHELDUCKS - with a pair accompanying two well-grown juveniles on the largest of the pools.. Generally locally, all of the young are quickly taken by predators, so this was great to see.
Next off, another pair of HOBBIES nesting, the second pair I have located in the past week. A juvenile Sand Martin was taken into the nest, as well as a juvenile Common Starling
And LAPWINGS - two pairs breeding, with one adult now accompanying two tiny babies on the small reed-fringed pool
SAND MARTINS have had a great year, with at least 60 juveniles on the wing this evening and many still being fed in the burrows - about 460 birds counted in total.
Otherwise, 17+ Stock Doves, Common Kestrel, 14 Common Swifts (scarce at this site), a singing Skylarks and 63 Common Starlings at pre-roost