Sunday, 27 March 2011

Calvert and areas today

Gallows bridge; 4 Curlew/ 7 Barnacle Geese on reserve; in adjacent low crop fields there were c 200 Linnet/ 12 Lapwing and minimum of 246 Golden Plover roosting. Calvert; Cetti's Warbler singing and seen a few times in reeds below 1st hide/Water Rail/ Quainton Hills; Viewed from roadside spots, my first male Wheatear of year in horse paddock at base of Nrth slopes/ 2nd prob Wheatear at extreme distance on post Denham hill/ imm Peregrine perched on post Denham Hill not full adult but not as young/brown as one seen at G.B.F recently/ 3 Mipits displaying. Tim Watts